Non-Salary Benefits Global Survey Results

Packaging employee benefits is a mounting challenge for employers as businesses globalise and employees seek greater flexibility in how, where and when they work. This can translate into increased costs and governance for employers and so it is important to regularly take the temperature of employee sentiment to help attract and retain talent by meeting expectations and identifying trends.
Our unique blend of skills across all aspects of international employee benefits naturally leads us to a specific interest in what employees around the globe see as important in an employee benefits programme. For example, is a broad menu of options still the preserve of mature domestic markets or has it taken hold in key expatriate centres around the world too? And, indeed, are there any major trend differences between different markets and regions? To answer such questions, and others, we have collaborated with leading international online research data and analytics technology group, YouGov, to gather a deep insight into the needs and wants of employees in several key demographics around the world.
We bring you the highlights of our findings in this report.